Sunday, January 17, 2010

रेपली तो कुओतेस

"You gotta screw that in, then pop that out, then slide it over." - the hand gestures were reversed.

Me - "How 'bout you show me on the first one, then I'll do the rest."

"If the door's locked, try the other one."

Me - "You been drinking?"

"I'd rather be in Canada."

Me - "'s cooold up der."

"I can't raise my hand." - while raising her hand

Me with the cocked eyebrow - "Really?"

"If you're from Illinois why don't you talk funny?"

Me - "You're from Dowling. Why don't you?"

"If I have to bring a dozen baked things for the tournament, and I wrap them in two's, how many do I have to bring?"

Me - "We haven't done fractions yet." (Nobody got it)

"Why does my hand hurt when I hit the ball?"

Me - "Because you haven't had an hour and 15 minute practice of just hitting and serving. Welcome to club ball."

"What do you mean low to the net?"

Me - "You have two options. Rainbow gumdrop serve or flat serve. Which one is harder to pass?" After I demonstrated both types they understood.

"I'm sitting against the wall, you never said I couldn't use a chair."

Me - "Smarty pants. Do it right, then you've got 10 ball." The team punishment drill.

"Have a damn cupcake. It's my birthday. EAT IT!"

Me - "Easy there Sparky, I'll take one, and happy birthday but I ain't gonna like it!"


1 comment:

  1. I got it!
    I think your original line might have been "we haven't done percentages." However, I think that line was used frequently - to any math related problem.:)


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