Tuesday, October 27, 2009


If he weren't absolutely insane, and dead, I would want to be him.


I got into a bluesy kind of mood the other day. While I have over 20 hours of it on my computer, I wanted to see what some of these legends were actually doing. Granted, some if it lost on me as I don't play the saxophone or the trumpet. But I do play the piano, and I know enough about the rhythm section to understand the level of mastery some of these guys had. When I say understand...what I really mean is that they are freakishly good.

If you know me, you know that while I'm no slouch on the keys, I'm not the best. I don't have the mind for the theory that goes into making some really complicated stuff sound good. I'm more of the "sit down, shut up, practice till you get it right" school of thought. My former instructor, and dare I say mentor, has a mind that wraps around the theory, and he can map out what he'll play so that he doesn't even think while he's at the piano. He can just go. Freakish.

Now that's not to say that these greats didn't get where they are without practice. But practice can only get you so far.


We had our first round of tryouts for volleyball last Saturday, these tryouts being for the little kids. The director had me working with the advanced 14 year olds so that he could assess them while I ran the drills. He also took me aside prior to the tryout starting and told me to give them no mercy. I really like Curt. Of course I didn't think he was serious because even at a nationals tournament they're not going to see power like a 22 year old male can provide. But he looked me dead in the eye and told me to crank it to 11. He also justified it saying that if they can handle my 11 they can handle a 14 year old girls 8. Short story long, they couldn't. And two of them really couldn't (they cried, I smiled on the inside).

Another segue!

Pending a drug screening I have a job out at Pioneer. I don't know how this affects Holiday plans as it is temp work, but is well paid temp work. It's also a Monday through Friday gig so that should make things a bit easier on the schedule.


Sarah was hoping to come to Thanksgiving with the Hackelberg/Johnson/Guilde clan this year. But don't fret...we would be going to Minnesota the 26 of December. She has to do something at school for Christmas Eve...and apparently her family has never done Christmas on Christmas (her old man being a former Pastor and all). So... If I get time off from Pioneer for Thanksgiving and CBD, there would be another person along for the ride. I'll be able to tell you more after Monday about that. (Monday is my start day out there)



  1. Paul - that is awesome about the job at Pioneer. Is that full time? Can you still do the coaching? It would be great to have Sarah along for CBD! Hope it works out. We need to talk! Miss you, but sounds like life is good in IA. Any more snow?

  2. So, are you pioneering now? I just noticed the sign about being lost in the woods or found in the city. Good one. But I'd rather not be lost.

  3. So, there's a volleyball league here at the Cooperstown Sports Center. I wanted to join, but they put out the info flier the same day as the last day to register a team, so no joy for Kate. I was at the gym when they had their first games though, and I kept cringing at the horrible horrible habits. goodness!


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