"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.
"For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that 'Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.'" - Nobel Committee
Ok. I've tried my hardest to keep my political views a side issue. Even if they bleed through in my writing. But, I've got to say it. One of these things (above) is not like the other. I have faith in the Presidency, and the President. Even though I did not vote for the man currently with the title. That happens. Part of the democratic process that our country holds as a core belief. I get that. What I don't get, is this: How does the election campaign equal into one of the most prestigious prizes the world has to offer?
Let's take a look at this, Alfred Nobel...the make things go boom! guy, says "in the preceding year (which would be 2008, the election year) shall have done the most or best work for fraternity between nations." Yes, he went on a sumit during his campaign. Ok, with you so far. One thing. Continuing on. "For the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." Our nation is still currently at war. It's not even a "peace keeping mission" like was done in the Middle East under Bush in the 90's. This is still a "congress declared this war, and we haven't called a cease fire" kind of war.
Now, during his campaign he said that he would work with his military leaders to phase out the soldiers currently over seas. How much of that has happened? Especially since one of the regiments of the Iowa National Gaurd was just activated and deployed over seas? How can you tell me that those two equal each other?
How about flooding the big businesses with money so that they stay solvent (oh and restructuring their budgets and finances to the point where the government owns the controling share in one of the three?) to the point where yeah, 800 billion should be enough. Like it's chump change. 800 billion dollars. It sounds like Monopoly money to me. A fake number. A number that I will never even come close to seeing by the time I die. Cause Lord knows if the economy stays tanked, Social Security will be a happy memory to my generation.
Then we see these political commercials about how 1-in-8 children don't have enough food to eat. I'm supposed to take money out of my savings and give it to your child? Where is your savings? Where is your source of income? I realize that that isn't a very Christian attitude, and I was raised better than that. But don't ask me to donate my hard earned 8.50/hour after taxes. I'll donate anything I shoot when we go pheasant hunting. I'll gladly donate it, because I think that's a good way to solve two problems. 1, overpopulation. and 2, hunger. Des Moines has a charity kitchen called HUSH, I don't remember what it stands for, but they take excess meat from hunters who are only after the trophy. All of the deer that gets shot out on the Farms is donated to HUSH. I really like what they do. Plus, it's not taking any of my money. Yay!
Anyway. My big beef with this Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize thing is that it does two things. It doesn't hold true to what Herr Nobel wanted, which discredits the Nobel Committee and the spirit of the prize. Second, if he accepts the prize, it discredits the President, and the Presidency. He hasn't earned it. I think he could. As much as I don't trust the man, I respect the office. The office, and thereby this country (can't get there unless the people vote you there.) could earn this award. Again -Teddy and Wilson.
Call a cease fire. Admit that you can't win a war being waged against an idea. It isn't hard to do. As much as I support our troops, and have the deepest respect for anyone who wears the colors of our armed services, they're not doing any good over there. Sure we might wipe out a cell of idealists. But guess what? Word is going to spread that those guys died defending what the believe, and then others are going to join that cause. You can't beat fanatics. You can only make more of them.
Does it mean that you fail as a leader? Admitting that you can't win something? No. I think some of us righters out here would respect him a bit more for owning up to mistakes made. I know I would respect him more for finally not being evasive. Go on TV. Override every signal being sent to the TVs in homes across America. At the same time hi-jack into the radio waves. Say, "Listen America. We screwed the pooch. I'm not going to point fingers because that doesn't help the situation. But it's a mistake to waste the precious lives of the men and women serving our country overseas. We are fighting a war that cannot be won, therefore, instead of letting these fanatics bleed us dry (because economics can be affected by terrorism too. Look at who sold them all the weapons. Look at who's paying the refund ticket.) we are going to rise of above this. B out." Not the best moniker I could have come up with, but there it is.
What does Mom say when big sister is annoying the crap out of you, or when little brother is annoying the crap out of you. Usually, "Knock it off!" But the only other thing I've ever heard her say is that we should ignore it and move on with our lives. So the big bad Taliban knocked over some towers, killed good men and women and children. Tough. Shit. There ain't nothing we can do to a group that is fanatical in the mindset that the United States is Wrong and must be punished.
Sure, cut off the snake's head and the rest of the body collapses. Won't work in this situation. It's not a snake. There isn't an analogy for fanatics, other than they're humans that can rationalize for themselves but have this big sorter in their brain that defines everything as right or wrong.
It is a bad situation.
Did you hear that the secret service is really worried about this situation? They're worried because it means that the White House can't have a doorbell anymore. All because of the No-bell Peace Prize.
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