Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ring, Rap, Run; Run back and kick in the door

So...I have what is both good news, along with some equally not so good news. We will cover them in a point system.

+1 Job interview with Johnston Volleyball Club.
+1 Job interview with Illini Elite.
+1 The Farms is closing down for the season.
-1 The Farms is closing down for the season.
+1 Job interview with Bass Pro.
+1 Job interview with UPS.
+1 Payday on Friday.
-1 Payday on Friday (The candy bar. I need a peanutty-caramely-candy fix. And a I need it bad.)
+1 Sarah's not mad at me anymore.

So, all said an told the score is +4. However there are shades of grey with that score.

The JVBC director seems like a great guy, and I would enjoy coaching with him, but he wants to see me coach. So, I've been asked back for the last day of their Junior's Elite Camp this Sunday. He knows the guys out at Illini Elite which is a point in my favor, but it still makes me nervous. How can he expect me to do well with a group of girls that 1., I've never met. And 2., I have no idea how to coach because I've never met them.? Talk about nerve wracking.

Joe out at Illini Elite asked if I would be willing to come back to Illinois and take over Teal again. As much as I would love that, it means a move. It means finding a place to live. It also means, additional employment that has health benefits. Not that I go to the doctor anyway.

The Farms is shutting down which is great cause we're all getting a bit burned out, but it also means that this whole unemployment thing is staring me in the face in a few short weeks. Hence the plus and minus there.

UPS offered me two positions, one unloading trucks and one being a helper driver. Both would be nice as they are both Union jobs, and with Union comes health insurance. (Also a 22% lower phone bill which I just found out. Awesome!) I don't think that I could hold both of those jobs and coach. It would just burn me out, and not give me much time to sleep. But...If I could do unloading trucks and coaching...that could work out. I'll have to talk to some folks.

Bass Pro interviewed me for a job in their camping section which makes sense this time of year. (No it doesn't. Who goes camping in the winter? Fall I can understand, but winter?) Problem with that is that it is a 30 minute commute one way. Could I do it? Sure. I just don't know how long I would be employed there.

I get paid on Friday. This is nice because phone bill, rent and LP need to get paid.

Oh, that's right, LP is getting filled up because apparently it is supposed to snow this weekend. Well, flurry more likely, and nothing is going to stick anyway. And I live with wimps that need to live in a house that is always hotter than Dante's Inferno. But we've already talked about that.

Not much is going on out at the farm, most everything is done for the season. Corn is all picked (I've got a nasty cut on my hand to prove it too.) vine crops are in. Second planting on peas should be coming up in a couple of days, unless we get a hard frost out here. We're doing a second plowing after spreading more manure.

Fun tid-bit. I'm being trained to cook for Fall Programing out here. What is the training you might ask? You might also ask, why do you need to be trained? Well, I will enlighten, I'm being trained on baking cornbread. And apparently I'm being trained because I'm incompetent. Or something. At least it's an extra 4 hours for the time card.

We've got Hinsdale's APEuro class coming out here in two weeks, where Nasbit -who never taught me, but loves Kate and apparently remembers her kid brother who had better things to do with his time than go crazy in an APEuro class- where I get to drive around the oxen and tell them (the kids) how stupid they are for taking APEuro when they want to be a business exec, and then the coup-de-gras of chicken slaughter and butcher. Yay! Anatomy! I get to use my degree!

Oh, and Sarah isn't mad at me anymore. Must have been my wit and charm that helped me through the ordeal because I don't have a clue as to what I said. Mostly, "Yes dear, looks nice dear, whatever you think dear". Turns out I wasn't listening. Or something like that. In reality, she was ticked off at her Dad for finding a job that made him happy (which apparently he doesn't deserve?). Which correlates into her being mad at me for some God knows why reason.

Anyway, that's all I've got.



  1. Sounds like you've got some good potential gigs lined up! A half hour commute isn't bad, really if that's the way you decide to go, but I bet you'd have lots of fun coaching.

    Don't you just hate it when they ask you to demonstrate job skills? I had to do that at my interview on Monday and even though it went smoothly, the worrying about job performance is a gut-twister. You'll do fine though, I'm sure.

    I'm looking for wedding piano player songs you might do next August. Try to enjoy the heat and not burn children when you teach them to cook cornbread. Catch ya later!

  2. Wow - +4 that's a good final outcome! Lots of job options in the works. It would be great to have you coaching. Just do your thing - you know the sport so well, you explain things well, and are a good motivator/encourager. It is tough to do it with kids you don't know - I totally get that. UPS would be good income during the off season for LHF, too, but I can see that coaching would be your first choice. Good luck with all of that and keep us posted. Love you lots!

  3. Dad Said: "Does the driver helper have permanent hours, or just seasonal? You know what it is like to work in the wee hours as an unloader, and that would not seem to interfer with coaching. Given a choice I would take the UPS job (benefits). They may even help with paying for additional college (Masters)just a few thoughts. Is the VB coach position year round or only seasonal?"


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