Saturday, December 19, 2009

Waiting Game

The waiting game is much like the silent game. Whoever lasts the longest wins, but the rewards are unknown to the players. Right now I'm waiting for a rental to start at 2 this afternoon. From then on I scurry around like a person scurrying around. Then at 8 this evening I start tending bar for said rental. 'S gonna be a long day. I've started the game at 8:30 this morning. Just waiting. Not good for a guy that fidgets.



  1. This is a confusing game. Are you the tenant, the landlord, or another (scurrying) player (in addition to being the bartender)?

  2. You should take up knitting. It's perfect for using that fidgeting urge without being too distracting. You could have a lovely wooly hat by the end of the night!

  3. Tending bar sounds fun. Was it? Yeah - waiting - not fun.


Leave me one if you want